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A hearty welcome at the HJK Company Market

As entrepreneur or agent here you have the possibility to present "Your" Company in an inexpensive way if you want to sell, to lease or, for instance, are looking for a partner.
Your Company will be presented regionally and nationwide and on request to thoundands of prospective customers who can contact you directly or via your consultant.
Among other things, our market in being publicized in the current newspapers, in the monthly periodicals as well as in various specialist magazines. In addition, we are listed in the big national and international internet search machines apart from others under the following address:


and many others more

In order to be able to offer the seller as well as the purchaser a large information potential, we have compiled some information for you right around the H.J.K. -market. Should you miss important information or have ideas or suggestions for improvement, we will include them upon examination.
It does not happen every day neither for a purchaser nor for a seller to purchase or sell a company or a commercial enterprice.

What does the seller want:

1. A good price ..... and that it will be paid as well.
2. Problem-free and confidential negotiations .......... in order not to raise uncertainty amongst competitors customers and suppliers
3. A smooth settlement until the handing over .... and after the handing over no trouble

What does the purchaser want:

1. No dubios offers but clear conditions
2. No phantasy prices ...... where they are only looking for a mug.
3. A good bridging ...... for instance of customers and connections as well as reasonable fittings and equipment .............otherwise he also could found or buildt up his company himself

For the working up and analysis of the documents, of a detailed evaluation etc., it requires - both for the seller as for the purchaser - besides theoretical specialized knowledge also many years of experience and above all:

- A good judging of the "person opposite"
- Routine and unemotional negotiations
- Knowledge of drawing up a contract and of fiscal law

In order to reconcile different interests.

Now, whether you want to buy or to sell or are looking for an associate company:
The mediation of a company is not a normal (broker) transaction!
If you are of the same opinion then you should speak in time with your M&A-Consultant!
He too will then fall back upon our H.J.K. -market in order to reach prospective customers.

We wish you a great success with the mediations of your company

Your H.J.K.-Team

